The Wish-Fulfilling Golden Sun
of the Mahayana Thought Training

by Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche

From the Preface, written by Lama Zopa:

"This book has not been written because there is some new Dharma that was not shown by Guru Shakyamuni. And because of my limited-experience realizations, in no way I have deserved to write such a book, and there is scant hope that it can benefit others.

"But in view of the remarkable fact that in this time, already beyond the period of the five degenerations and an age in which there is the great danger of atomic explosion, an increasing number of Westerners are finding the Buddhadharma as they seek like blind men opening their eye, and as it is extremely important to make meaningful this once-received Wisdom Eye, which analyses all dharmas, clearly discriminating between what to avoid and what to practise, my depthlessly kind venerable Guru, Thubten Yeshe, has given the Vajra instruction that it is necessary to write a book such as this in English."

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Wish Fulfilling Golden Sun

Praise, Preface, Contents, Pronunciation Guide (1 Mg)
"The Mind is Beginningless" -- "Direct Meditations" : Pgs 1-38 (1.9 Mg)
"Meditation", Meditation One -- Meditation Three : 
Pgs 39-105 (1.9 Mg)
Meditation Four -- Meditation Eight : Pgs 106-187 (1.4 Mg) 

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